The film The Social Network, based on founder Mark Zuckerberg’s story, opens in theatres this weekend and so to mark this grand occasion, we have formulated a fun poll to find out how YOU use Facebook! Some friends have deleted their accounts, others have forgotten how to talk on the phone and now exclusively communicate via their wall. We’ve seen romances bloom and break-ups get messy. Like you, we’ve creeped our ex-boyfriends and updated our status at 2AM only to awoke the next day with a panic attack, “WHY DID I WRITE THAT??” We aren’t going to lie, we discover more breaking stories via our newsfeed than from actual media sources – and think the platform allows for more discourse than the pre-Facebook era. From our high school frenemies to our uncle in Kamloops – we are connected to more people than we ever thought we would be, or want to be. So the question is, has the number one social network enhanced our lives? We wanna know what you think! Take our quiz! Our results will be tabulated next week. FUN! DO IT! NOW.