Hell’s Angel

Shred your denim, splatter your v-necks, and most importantly, squeeze yourself into an ink-black pair of leather trousers. Ladies, start your engines.

The open road, like spring, is full of possibility, wind in your hair, and disheveled boys smoking cigarettes behind gas stations. Mmm. Spending fall wrapped in grunge made us remember how good it feels to be bad. Elements of biker-inspired style have been popping up everywhere, from shredded cotton tees to fringe-lined bags and sleeves. Take a cue from the sexed-up Norton Girls of decades past with ’70’s-inspired biker wear-the perfect look to throw an ‘I don’t give a FUCK!’ at the hum-drum winter-recession-bullshit. Suede fringe, leather (jackets, trousers, mini-skirts, Frye Harness boots), big, wind-blown hair that looks just as good after rolling in the hay or racing at 80 mph as it does post-blowdry, minimal makeup but maximum liner and lashes, holey jeans, tan-leather accessories, like a thick watchband or a skinny belt wound three times ’round your waist, graphic, inky patterns on tops (from ink splotches to artist’s prints) and, if you can swing it, a shiny chrome motorbike to ride into the sunset. VROOOOOOOM!