by Karen Cleveland

First off – I have a confession. I’m a closet romantic. There.

When I’m strolling my hood with my husband, I like to hold hands or tuck under his arm. A quick kiss ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ are part of our daily routine, whether we’re in the car or on the street. And I love this.

But, I’m also acutely aware of whether our actions might make others feel uncomfortable, so I’m conscious to keep things strictly polite. There is indeed a fine line between civilized affections and knock-down-yuck-fests and we’re most definitely on the right side of the fence.

PDA’s send a staunch message that you’re so into the person you’re with, you don’t care who knows it; a notion which is fine (almost endearing) when you’re 16. Any older and it’s a surefire way to make your friends or complete strangers feel uncomfortable (or even worst, make a creep feel a little too comfortable) and lose your hard-earned credibility.

I’m all for
– Holding hands
– Sneaking in a quick kiss (any longer than a few seconds and it’s weird for everyone)
– Fast hugs or embraces (like a shoulder squeeze)

What I’m not for
– Whispering sweet nothings
– Long kisses or embraces
– Any unmentionable acts that go beyond the above: you know exactly what they are you saucy devil – I’m too polite to name them

Sometimes a kiss is not just a kiss – it’s a statement of your decorum.