In collaboration with the AGO, OCAD, and VIA Rail, artist Aimée Henny Brown has been riding the rails across the Western half of this great nation, staging performance art onboard a long-haul passenger train (a.k.a. my dream trip.). She’s travelling from Vancouver to Toronto and back, performing for passengers twice a day, in Overland Station: par voie terre.

Her performances connect passengers to the past as she re-enacts, in full uniform, the duties of a station agent in the late 19th century, and she’s bringing the show to the AGO this Thursday, May 17th, from 6:30-9:30 pm at the Weston Family Learning Centre. Her performance will be free to the public, so stop by and step back in time. Maybe she’ll inspire you to do a bit of overland rambling yourself this summer.

~ Haley Cullingham