This Wednesday, Montreal’s infamous Cinéma L’Amour brings us something old (I hesitate to call something from the 80s ‘old’) and somewhat disturbing in the form of ‘Cannibal Holocaust’. This 1980 film allegedly documents the fate of four documentary filmmakers who ventured into the wilds of the Amazon rainforest and never returned; their story is ultimately conveyed through long-lost, now-recovered film reels. Extreme controversy surrounded the initial release of this film and Italian director Ruggero Deodato, as plotlines explore – and arguably, exploit – cannibalism and South American indigenous culture. Luckily, over here in 2010, a film such as this simply makes for perfect Cinéma L’Amour Grindhouse Wednesdays screening material. Admission to the evening – which also includes a band, a DJ, cheap beer and popcorn – is a mere 10$, with all proceeds going towards Head & Hands Montreal.The weather is turning downright froid, so really, what better way to spend a Wednesday evening? Our thoughts exactly.

Cinéma L’Amour – 4015 St-Laurent.

By Tyler Yank