Looking for a place to make your voice heard during the G20? Here are some protests going on that you can be a part of.

Friday, June 25th
12:30 pm G20 Feminist Picnic and Politics @ Allan Gardens, Corner of Carlton and Sherbourne. Women will come together to create signs, banners, theatre pieces, and other ways of expressing what women think. The Harper government’s G8/G20 Maternal Health Care Plan does not support contraception or abortion- the Conservatives are challenging women’s rights in a myriad of ways, and around the world women are effected by war, poverty, and injustice. Come together to speak up.

2:30 pm Justice For Our Communities! @ Allan Gardens. A serious rally, tent village, march, and block party for anyone disgusted by the practices of the world’s 20 richest countries.

2:30 pm All Out For Gender Justice!@ Allan Gardens. They are calling all women and trans people to join the Gender Justice contingent of the Justice For Our Communities! rally. A meal will be served, and they will march to demand freedom from all forms of violence, for control over their bodies and their children, funding for healthcare, and freedom of choice.

6 pm Shout Out For Global Justice @ Massey Hall. The Council of Canadians will demand trade, water and climate justice. Nine diverse speakers will inspire and inform. $14 for members, $20 for non-members. For tickets: Website: www.masseyhall.com Box Office: 416.872.4255 (Roy Thomson Hall box office)

Saturday, June 26th
5:30 am Free Sleepover and Breakfast for Activists @ 1555 Dupont St. Regenesis, a non-profit supporting environmental, social, and humanitarian justice, will host an activist meet and greet and pancake sleepover. First come first serve, but they think they’ll have space.

11:30 am Climate Block @ Greenpeace Office, 33 Cecil St. Come to Greenpeace to collect your green hard hats, then move to Queen’s Park to join the march below, which will eventually move to Trinity Bellwoods.

1 pm People First! We Deserve Better! @ Queen’s Park. Women will take the lead in this protest to give voice to the impact of G8 and G20 decisions. They’ll be marching for reproductive rights, equality, and an end to women’s poverty, as well as social justice. Many groups will come together for this large march.

1 pm Get Off The Fence @ Queen’s Park. They’ll converge in solidarity with People First!, then proceed with an anti-confrontational, anti-capitalist philosophy to the fence, in support of working class people from all stripes of life. When People’s First turns back, they’ll stay put, and deliver their message.

1 pm Peace Rally @ Queen’s Park. Troops out of Afghanistan, money for human needs, they’ll join People First! to express their outrage at some of the biggest arm’s dealers in the world-the G20 countries.

11 pm Saturday Night Fever! @ Church St. Village. Be in the neighbourhood, and between 10:30 and 11 pm they’ll annouce their exact location. This roaming dance party will reclaim the streets, and “Party For Your Right To Fight.” This is not a protest-it’s an effort to reclaim public space. The organizers of this event are anti-capitalist, anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic, anti-transphobic and anti-ableist. http://fever2010.wordpress.com/