They say children make you young. But LW is making me feel old. This week, I’ve started getting some swelling in my hands, accompanied by mild carpal tunnel. There’s back pain, I get winded just going to the bathroom, and I’m experiencing hot flashes.

But there’s always a bright side. My bright side is my new-found love of naps. I normally H-A-T-E to nap. I don’t know how to nap, really. I can’t sleep for just an hour or two – I end up sleeping straight through the night and inevitably missing out on dinner or a fun night out. But these days, my oh-too-frequent pee breaks pretty much guarantee I’ll be up from my nap in 2 hours max. So heck, why not? I’m already spending most of my time in bed, and with a live, fuzzy hot water bottle known as Frank (my wired-haired dachshund), I curl up and punch out for a couple of hours. Wow, I’ve really been missing out all this time! I’m trying to relish these little afternoon snoozes as I know they’re going to be hard to come by soon.

I guess you really can teach an old dog new tricks.

In other news, we picked up our high chair! Now we just have to wait months to be able to use it. But hey, who knows, maybe LW is going to be a genius and develop a taste for solids ahead of his time? But that did get me thinking…should we consider wrapping the large canvas in our kitchen in cellophane? When Dustin said ‘good art constantly evolves,’ I don’t think blotches of creamed carrot on his canvas were exactly what he had in mind.