By Karen Cleveland

Buying gifts is tough. And you’re likely a hard person to shop for, too. So what’s a girl to do if she’s been bestowed a gift that isn’t really her? Regift? Return? Learn to love?

The window of time to make a decision is short (which the gift receipt will surely remind you). Consider who purchased the gift – perhaps they hand-picked it just for you, and confiding that it’s not really your style will hurt their feelings. In addition to hurt feelings, it might also give the impression that you’re difficult to please, or gasp, snobbish!

On the flip side, if you tell Auntie Margo that you absolutely love the baby pink wool mittens, you very well might get a new pair every birthday and every Christmas from henceforth. Perhaps honesty may be the best policy.

Tread lightly, this is sensitive stuff. Do you detest it so much that it can’t find a place in your wardrobe/life/heart? What’s to gain (and what’s at risk) by divulging the gift didn’t cut it? Be sensitive, and grateful, of course.