We’ve expressed our love for gif artist Nate Kogan before, so when he decided to make some special She Does The City gifs, we couldn’t wait to see what he came up with. When it came to choosing a model for our first GIF (big decision!), Nina Arson immediately came to mind. We’ve snapped her at parties before, get our hair highlighted by her at W and love the combo of badass tattoos when paired with such a sweet smile. Nina is an all round babe with magnetic energy! DREAMS DO COME TRUE AND GET ANIMATED INTO COOL MOVING PICTURES THAT YOU CAN POST ON YOUR WEBSITE!

As more and more people get turned on to the gif art medium, Nate’s psychedelic, sexy images showcase its dynamic possibilities. As Jen said, Nate’s art hijacks your eyeballs, and we think his images of Nina are pretty compelling.

So what’s Nina doing when she’s not showing off her tattooed foxiness in animated internet images? She cuts and colours hair at W Lifestyle, shops at Penny Arcade, House of Vintage, Value Village and Tibetan stores, watches Eastbound and Down and occult horror films, and spends way too much money on vintage band t-shirts. “I can’t resist…even if it costs too much and has five holes in it.”

Nina, we can’t resist YOU!