There’s bad bad and there’s good-bad and there’s gawd that’s so good it’s bad OR gawd that’s so bad its good. This Saturday we’ll all be attempting to wear our favourite classic rock duds, or an all-out Canadian Tuxedo, while still maintaining hotness and possibly even being a stylegasm on the dance floor at Stay Golden: A Shedoesthecity Classic Rock Dance Mess at The Gladstone Hotel.
We do love us a good theme! Wikipedia dares to put The Canadian Tuxedo in the category of “Fashion Faux Pas” and also refers to it as The Denim Sandwich (yummy). We respectfully choose to disagree.
Scared of denim? Be a 70’s rocker bad-ass babe and dress like a backup chick (or lead singer) in one of these. Wear an old band t shirt, leather jacket, wedges, tousle your hair, stick a feather in there and part it in the middle. Any episode of American Idol with Steven Tyler as judge will surely provide tons of style tips for both girls and boys.
Let’s examine some real-world Canadian Tuxedos throughout the ages for #stylegasm inspiration (or non-spiration).
1. The Canadian Tuxedo hits the runway! This look was part of Chloe’s Summer Show in 2010 and its hot.
2. J.T and BritBrit step out together in full Couple Canadian Tuxedo gloriousness. Possibly one of the most well know Canadian Tuxedos of modern times. But seriously, this is pretty embarrassing. Don’t do this.
3. Behold, Leandra of Man Repeller in the Canadian Tuxedo! The boyfriend shorts-and-fancy shoes version, among others. It has 100 extra cool points now. Check her out in some “sweet denim-on-denim” action.
4. Canadian Tuxedo meets Street Style in Portland, Oregon. Wide bell bottoms and a tucked-in button down shirt, with some skin showing up top. Me likey!
5. DUDES. Enough said. (drool).
Shedoesthecity is throwing Stay Golden: A Canadian Tuxedo Classic Rock Dance Mess this Saturday at The Gladstone Hotel. $5 at the door and ALL proceeds go towards Red Door Shelter. Until then, I’m compiling my denim, plaid, leather and anything rocker-y and totally banking on meeting a young Rob Lowe look-a-like in the back corner when Whole Lotta Love comes on. He’s mine!
~ Becca Lemire