OPEN wines had a party on Wednesday night and She Does the City was there join in the libations! Not only did OPEN’s delicious wine flow forth, but we were also offered many opportunities to “be open” (try new things! Expressourselves!) (No not that way you pervs. Although, with enough wine…).We covered our bodies in Tattly’s super hip temporary tattoos, played a little ping pong and munched on some seriously wild ice cream. John Placko of the Modern Culinary Academy used liquid nitrogen to create the doughnut-flavoured delight right in front our eyes. It was crunchy and creamy and a bit freaky. Classic food adjectives, quite the experience.

OPEN had a delightful array of wines for sampling (which are also available at LCBOs around the city). Thanks to OPEN we’re now very aware of how addictive (temporary) neck tattoos are… and also a wee bit hung over. In the best way!