Power up to party mode–it’s time to make some mischief at this year’s Power Ball XX: Carousal, presented by Max Mara. With its heady & eclectic mix of art, music, food and fashion, Power Ball has emerged as a juggernaut in Toronto’s cultural sphere. As usual, you can expect the unusual in every corner–even the washroom.
This year, we asked some of the featured artists what they have up their sleeves. Ana Rewakowicz is an interdisciplinary artist born in Poland, living and working in Montréal and Paris. She graduated from Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto, received an MFA from Concordia University in Montréal, and is currently pursuing her PhD in art and science at the École Polytechnique in Paris. Her colourful installation is meant to evoke “a sense of belonging” via balloon intrusion. We were curious.

Ana Rewakowicz
Photo credit: Antonio Palmieri
SDTC: Can you give us a hint about what you have planned for Powerball XX?
AR: Playful interaction.
When do you feel the most you?
On a plane in the clouds.
What typically energizes your creativity?
What was the last party/event you attended that really wowed you?
The Waterlicht installation by Daan Roosegaarde (Studio Roosegaarde) during Nuit Blanche in Paris in 2015.
What item in your home holds great value to you?
The piano.
What recent discovery really made you do a lot of thinking?
Dark matter.
What should a great art party do?
Give you an illusion that there is no tomorrow.
If you could get on a plane tomorrow and head anywhere, where would you go and why?
I would go off to Iceland as I’d like to explore the Northern landscape and lights.
When you think back to your childhood, what’s the first memory of art that you have?
Painting Dante’s Inferno.
Power Ball XX touches down on Thursday, May 31 at The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery (231 Queen’s Quay W). Get your tix here.