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Work like you don’t need the money. Dance like no one’s watching. Schedule like you don’t have a blackberry.

Have you noticed how easy it is to run late or cancel plans with a quick message on the go? It’s so easy to text “running 15 minutes behind” that we do it with reckless abandon, ostensibly absolving ourselves of messing with friends’ plans. Did we leave each other hanging for 15 minutes so flippantly ten years ago, or has technology made it all too easy for us to flake out.

A friend of mine lost her blackberry on vacation and six weeks later, she’s doing just fine – great, in fact. When she says she’ll meet you at 8pm, she’ll be there at 8pm, and so will I, because I can’t reach her to say I’m running late. It keeps us accountable to each other in a way that’s really refreshing. 

Punctuality is sexy.

~ Karen Cleveland