This Friday, the fifth estate will take you inside Canada’s Correctional Services, investigating the life of 19-year-old Ashley Smith, who choked herself to death at Grand Valley Institution in Kitchener. Ashley’s tragic passing raised shock and questions from the public and media, and led to an inquiry by Canada’s federal prison ombudsman. the fifth estate obtained prison videos which show Ashley’s violent experiences-and the cycle of abuse that led her further and further along a path of reactive behaviour. the fifth estate attempts to reconcile Ashley’s seemingly loving family life with the events following her entry into these institutions-and asks for answers from the system that failed her. In a country where an often misplaced sense of general trust in our government and institutions leads us to become complacent, it is important to take the time to understand the actions of those programs and institutions that you help pay for. Many Canadians would be shocked at the treatment of the incarcerated and mentally ill in this country-and would do well to learn the hard lesson taught by Ashley’s all-too-early death. Out of Control airs this Friday, January 8th at 9 pm on CBC and will be re-broadcast at 8 on Saturday, 7 on Sunday, and 10 the following Tuesday.