Ok, ok, ok, so some of you will read this and thank me for uselessly stating the obvious. But in the spirit of common sense not being common, here are some good parameters for your summer office wardrobe.

• Look around. Every place is different. In some offices, sun dresses are fine. In others, forbidden. Take your cues from your superiors, rather than just your peers.
• Work clothes should be for, well, work. If you wear it to the beach, bar or gym, have a discerning eye if it really makes sense for your job.
• If you bare it, own it. Open-toed shoes? Those feet better be damn pretty. Tank top? Your bra straps shouldn’t be poking out.

It’s not a competition to ekk through to Labour Day wearing the least amount of clothing possible. Unless you work at the beach. In that case, carry on. 

Questions, comments and conundrums are most welcome at www.twitter.com/schoolfinishing

~ Karen Cleveland