by Karen Cleveland
TIFF reminds me how great of a city Toronto is. It’s like your bestie hosting a really fabulous party. For the most part, Canadians in general and Torontonians in particular, are reserved. We have an “I’m-too-cool-to-really-ogle-that-celebrity” air about us that is a bit New York.

Which is great. Because coming to Toronto for a film festival isn’t a license to sign autographs for the duration of their stay.

So can you ask an a-lister for their signature or a photo? …..perhaps, albeit very carefully. Have you ever worked for an intensely intimidating boss? Approach with the same caution. Would you tap your uber-daunting boss on the shoulder while she’s shopping or having lunch with her family? Heavens, I hope not.

So if you’re scoping the scene and think the situation is fitting, make eye contact, smile and slowly approach. If you get a smile back, move forward and extend your hand (no reciprocal smile or handshake? abort! abort!). Introduce yourself, tell them your favourite project they’ve done and politely ask for a signature or a photo. If they say no, thank them anyways and tell them you understand. Even if you don’t have a photo or autograph, you’ll have a fabulous story of chatting up for celeb crush, which in the end, is a bit more impressive.

Next week? The hierarchy of the TIFF event circuit.