By Caitlyn Holroyd

Toronto is bracing for its first ever Carrotmob attack this Saturday, April 10 at G’s Fine Foods on Bloor. Before your mind fills with pictures of giant forceful carrots descending on the downtown core, allow us to explain.

Carrotmob is an organized consumer movement, known as a “buycott,” to reward businesses for their environmentally-friendly initiatives. Since originating in San Francisco in 2008, consumers have motivated 50 businesses from Buenos Aires to Bangkok to make environmentally sustainable changes.

During February, Annex businesses were involved in a bidding war to see which would host the city’s first Carrotmob. G’s came out on top after pledging to spend 100% of their revenues from the mob on energy efficient renovations for the business, along with adding 15 new Local Food Plus (LFP) certified products to their shelves. LFP certifies Ontario farmers who meet conditions like lowering and eliminating pesticide use, guaranteeing fair wages for workers and lowering energy use.

From noon to 4 p.m. this Saturday, every dollar spent at G’s will go to the grocery store’s renovation and the addition of LFP products – the largest bid in the history of the Carrotmob. Better yet, the money you spend will not only go to supporting a good cause, but for getting things you’d be buying anyway. And don’t forget the official afterparty at Central, 603 Market St., at 7:30 pm. CARROTMOSH!

G’s Fine Foods is located at 351 Bloor St. W. at Huron

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