Do you think that if you were falling in space…you would slow down after a while, or go faster and faster?

Reviled at Cannes, celebrated by fans and an enduring oddity to all who experience it, Fire Walk With Me (1992) remains one of David Lynch’s most compelling films.

A prequel to the ground-breaking television show, FWWM recounts the final week in the life of ill-fated beauty queen Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee). Addicted to cocaine, and enmeshed in several sexual entanglements, the troubled teen desperately battles demons, including her lifelong tormentor, “Bob.”

With FWWM, Lynch revealed more of Twin Peaks’ intrigue and twisted truths, while also imparting more intricacy to the story’s victims, including Teresa Banks (Pamela Gidley) and Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine). The addition of spooky characters played by David Bowie, Chris Isaac, Harry Dean Stanton, as well as the beloved “Lil the Dancer” (Kimberly Ann Cole), further enhanced the otherworldliness of Twin Peaks.

On May 11 at the Royal (608 College St), watch FWWM on the big screen, preceded by burlesque performances by Dolly Monroe, Betty Quirk, and more. Get tickets here.