Kanye West: Not Dead.

This just weird: The number one trending topic on Twitter turned away from boys in balloons today, to another hoax-in-poor-taste, claiming that Kanye West took time from his busy schedule giving birth to muppets to kick the bucket. The madness began when someone posted a false twitter rumour that West had perished in a car accident.

This is, of course, not true. It’s also plenty weird and pretty creepy, but people are taking to it like a helium balloon to the skies: in the time it took me to read the ten updates on the screen, 99 more emerged. In the time it took me to write this sentence, 319 more people hash-tagged the hoax.

West’s bald and beautiful lady friend, Amber Rose (@darealamberrose), took to the tweets to call out the hoax, saying it was “not funny and NOT TRUE!” Understandably upset, she said the trending topic was “in extremely poor taste.” All over the internet from NME to the Coachella message boards to Youtube videos, some claim the hoax was orchestrated by Kanye himself to score publicity. But most see it for what it probably is: a weird excuse for people to make endless ‘Imma let you finish’ jokes. Again. Show Kanye some twitter love by getting on board the new trending topic: #LongLiveYeezy.