OMG Baked Goodness: The cupcake shop cool enough to name one of their vegan cupcakes after a Pantone colour. We love their sweet (and savoury) treats, which is why we’re going to be EXTREMELY jealous of whoever wins their OMG in the City contest. Guess where in Toronto the OMG Baked Goodness cupcakes are hiding, and you could win a cupcake every day for a year!
They’ll be tweeting a new picture of a cupcake hidden somewhere in the city every day for two weeks. Correctly identify the cupcake location, and you could win a dozen OMG Baked Goodness cupcakes. But that’s just the beginning. Everyone who guesses correctly will be entered to win a cupcake every day FOR A YEAR! That, my friend, is a lot of delicious cupcakes.
Like OMG Baked Goodness on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter, to see the picture of the day, then get guessing! Cupcake heaven is just a Tweet away!
~Haley Cullingham