9 to 5, the iconic film starring Dolly Parton, is now an infectious stage hit, running until July 10th at the Toronto Centre for the Arts. Diana DeGarmo is a one-time American Idol runner up who plays Doralee Rhodes, the sassy secretary originally played by Dolly in the film. She talked to us about what it’s like to channel Ms. Parton, what she sings in the shower, and the lessons she learned during her run on Idol.

How have you been channeling Dolly to get into character?
When we first went into rehearsals, I watched the movie ‘9 to 5’ to pick up Dolly’s accent and see her take on the role of Doralee. After that it was just natural Southern instinct! It also helps that I have been a HUGE fan of Dolly’s for as far back as I can remember.

Why was this film, in your opinion, so well received? What did it mean at the time of release?
I believe that the movie ‘9 to 5’ was such a hit because it hit upon a topic that was a bit taboo for 1979. Women were getting a chance to be seen in a powerful and new role, and it was brilliantly written and makes you laugh from beginning to end!

How would you describe your workday? I imagine it isn’t 9-5.
My ‘workday’ differs from day to day! That’s why I like what I do so much! Yes, when you are in a show your life becomes a bit more consistent due to working 6 days, 8 shows a week. But just by being in the entertainment industry, I am always traveling, writing, singing, and meeting new people. It’s always VERY interesting! It keeps me on my toes and I like it that way!

What is your favourite song to sing in the shower?
I truly like to sing my own songs in the shower. I know that sounds kind of cheesy, but it’s hot & steamy so my voice is happy & it gives me some “me time” to work through songs & figure out how I want to sing them.

What is the most fun part about starring in this production? Are you always in a good mood?
The most fun things about being in this production are the amazing people I get to work with on a nightly basis and seeing how happy this show makes people! I love making people happy. That’s why I do what I do. And, I am also human so I can have my bad moods, but I typically try to keep a bright, happy outlook on life because life’s hard enough as it is and every little bit of sunshine helps.

What are the three greatest lessons you learned from being on American Idol?
The three greatest lessons I learned from being on American Idol are 1. I’m a lot stronger than I sometimes think 2. We’re each different, with our own gifts & talents, so don’t judge yourself against other people. Just be your best YOU. 3. If I can handle Simon Cowell, then I can handle anyone & anything!

9 to 5 The Musical is on until July 10th, and you can purchase tickets here.