Sound the trumpets! We are super excited to officially announce our partnership with #BreakUpAndMove.

There are lots of fun and exciting campaign opportunities that land in our mailbox on the regular (we’re lucky that way), but we get especially fired up when it’s one that empowers young women, and encourages open honest dialogue about women’s health.

IMG_4802The #BreakUpAndMove campaign is all about breaking up with things and people that aren’t doing us well. It can be something as simple as changing a tired hair colour, or as complex as kicking a bad boyfriend to the curb. Bottom line, we deserve the BEST. AMIRIGHT ladies?

At the heart of the brilliant campaign lies our right to make educated choices that work for our bods, especially when it comes to contraceptives. It seems to me that the pill is being shoved down our throats at every turn. And, if it doesn’t agree with ones body chemistry (it didn’t with mine) it gets replaced by another type of pill with higher this and lower that. In spite of the breakouts, nausea and negative emotional symptoms that it may elicit.

Don’t get us wrong, if oral contraceptives work for you, that’s totally cool. But we want you to know that there are other options out there like LARC AKA long-lasting reversible contraception. These include methods like injections and IUDs, which prevent the unwanted baby thing/prolong sexy fun time for 3 to 5 years.

Getting the message across, are a handful of events at Canadian university campuses. We got to experience the one at Ryerson for ourselves, and it was loads of fun.  First, we loosened up with a yoga class, which included pink mats for everyone!

photo1Then, it was time for healthy snacks and real talk with relationship guru Kimberly Moffit and Dr. Christine Palmay hosted by the ever bubbly Lauren O’Neil, who discussed everything from crappy relationships to painful periods.

IMG_5120The young women in the audience held onto every word and it was very obvious that they had a lot of questions that weren’t being addressed in school, with healthcare professionals or in their peer circles. It’s so important to create a safe space for women to talk, share and support each other, and it felt really special to be surrounded by young women who were able to talk confidently and openly about their relationship woes and reproductive health.

IMG_4701There are currently #BreakUpAndMove events happening all over our glorious country! Check out the Break Up and Move Tumblr for the dates, inspiring quotes, cute photos and more!