The idea of making gorgeous salads daily is a lovely one, but it doesn’t always happen. Further, the state of our soil often means that vegetables available at our grocery store do not hold the same nutritional value as they did fifty years ago. This is not to say you shouldn’t eat your greens, but you can optimize your nutrition by adding greens+  into your daily diet.

Here’s what Holistic Nutritionist Mandy King has to say about greens+:

“Adding more green veggies to your diet is one of the best things you can do for your energy levels, your skin, and your overall nutrition.  They are one of the densest forms of vitamins and minerals available to us.  The typical North American does not get enough vegetables every day, so greens+ is a super simple way to boost your veggie intake.  I particularly like greens+ because of the additional ingredients it has like Siberian ginseng, an adaptogenic herb great for helping deal with stress, and milk thistle, a natural liver supporter for detoxification.”

When my life is in order (err, sometimes) there are signs everywhere: the fridge is clean, scissors are where they should be, laundry is neatly folded. Noticing these signs as I move around the house makes me feel good. Another sign is when I pass through my kitchen and notice a bottle of greens+ cozied up beside my blender. While a clean fridge and folded laundry may bring order to my home, greens+ brings order to my body.

Try it for a month and see how you feel! Enter our contest to win a greens+ gift pack here. 

Find out more about Clean Nutrition on the greens+ website.
