With university convocation comes relief, some tears and one big “Phew! I made it!” It also brings moments like the one I encountered this past weekend, while attending my friend’s birthday party, in which I introduced myself and was met with “Oh, Scott mentioned you were coming, the older girl, right?” Enter the younger guy. Not significantly younger; I am an October baby after all, but young enough to make you feel indignant when he interjects, “You mean, what did she take at university”. It was only two three months ago!

Many of you are probably ready to jump in and say that dating a younger guy is not limited to university graduates, and you would be quite right to say so. But there appears to be an intangible, indescribable difference which lies between the older female and the younger male that seems to turn into a huge black hole once the former has a degree. Maybe it’s the maturity factor or les garçons are simply in awe of the fabulousness we older girls exude, but many of my ladies are dabbling in the younger male pool …to their delight, and sometimes, chagrin. Like Miranda learns in SATC (“I broke up with Allison when I was still inside her!”), sometimes the younger man is a wee bit eager. Of course, that eagerness may be welcome in different places, at different times. But it is my experience that the younger man feels intimidated, nervous and mildly emasculated by an older female, as she knows what she wants, when she wants it and how she wants to do it. Most importantly, she is willing to do it all by herself. Younger men should jump at the chance to be with an older confident girl who is interested in them despite her age advantage, but too often they turn to the younger, more docile, insecure girls who pump air into their deflated male egos.

Like with tall girls, men usually say they would date an older girl, maybe they even do briefly, but most retreat to the trenches; having dipped a toe into the deep end, they leap back into the wading pool, feeling more validated and reassured than ever. Having engaged in a bit of a rant, I invite any men (do they read this? bravo!) to prove me wrong. And ladies, share stories of your confident wondrous younger men! I’ll quit while I’m still ahead (or still older). In the words of infamously young Benjamin, “Mrs. Robinson, if you don’t mind my saying so, this conversation is getting a little strange.”