If we were in charge of crowning a Torontonian as being Party Queen of the 2000’s – it would be an easy decision – Anna Von, Don of Pink Mafia. Anna and I go back to junior high….she was an uber intimidating cool chick who ruled the ramp outside of Glenview Junior High. I would nervously skirt by each morning in my embarrassing uniform to then hurl over a wire fence to get to Havergal. The Glenview kids were badass and sometimes bullied me along the way.
Fast forward to 2000 – and Anna Von and I cross paths again in Montreal. We both attended the same parties but Anna would do so in roller skates and a fur coat – and while I may have fallen into more insane situations – she was certainly the way louder and popular of the two. It pissed me off when she outed me as a lesbian to the entire city, but I’m over that now. In Toronto – she took my old job at MuchMusic wherein I had been intimidated by the VJ’s – she kind of ruled the lot of them. Our paths have crossed so many times – it’s as if we are living parallel lives – although she prefers to dwell in Yorkville. Now of course, we work a lot together and both run semi-insane businesses that call for late night partying. I can often be found dancing around to Lady Gaga in a twenty-two year olds living room with Twilight vampire fangs in my mouth but Anna is hardcore and takes her biz to the street – always down managing the throngs of hipsters inebriated at Wrongbar. All this is to say – there is no one who can sum up a decade of parties better than her – and frankly, Pink Mafia has been behind all of them.
Best Pink Mafia Parties of the last Decade.
Sport Pig November 26, 2006
With MSTRKRFT Justin Peroff (Broken Social Scene) and No Dynamics (RIP)
This is credited as being the first official show for MSTRKRFT. It was the first time they got real press (Eye and NOW both did mini features announcing them to the world). Jesse and Al played the upstairs at the elmo. The Flyer is legendary for this (i have since lost the jpg of the original) and Vice Magazine was the media sponsor.
-They played for money pizza and beer, and the pizza and beer were the deal breakers. they destroyed the mixer and i had to get everyone there by saying it was a “Death From Above 1979 Side Project”.
Sport Pig was the shit. From the Elmo to Captain John’s Boat to the Bright Pearl to the last party at the Deleon White before it became that heinous excuse for middle-upper class dining Nude. No party matched us. Here’s some highlights: k-os Djing for the first time at a packed bright Pearl and choosing Bowie, modern love, instead of rap to get the dance floor grooving, having Shad k play for free on the first one when no one knew him and we booked him after listening on his myspace. The karaoke parties were great, the Masnion release last year with all the cool cats on Toronto: Merk Meny (Peer PRessure) Syntonics, Nasty Nav, Vaneska and Mandrew.
And the flyers. We started flyers in Toronto: Flyers
What Else? Halifax 2006 Juno’s Party With:
k-os, Justin Peroff, Scratch Bastid, Eon Sinclair (Bedouin Soundclash)
No VIP, No Bull, Nothin’ But Net
It’s the party that begat Rockstar Htoel and every other party that’s half way decent at the juno’s. Before this one, they all tanked.
iPod Battles (2006-2008 RIP)
-First we did them at the boat. then at El Mo, Then at Aradia and finished that seris off at CiRCA.
They were all awesome. everyone always had fun. Period
Kid Sister @ Ourspace (with DMoney) (2007)
-Peer Pressure did the show in Montreal
-It was her first in Toronto, we booked her with brother Josh Young (Flosstradamus) at Oursapce as an after jam to my weekly, Lust For Kicks and Dmoney’s monthly FuckFaces. It was a crazy boozecan sauna that we a) got away with and b) even got press on
-In the words of one party goer, “I wish this was my new year’s party, instead of the let down that will be”
Thunderpussy With Fritz Helder & The Phantoms (2007)
-We started this Sunday night with disco floor at the Bovine Sex Club. It was the first time that they had any music other than hard rock in there. There was a lineup, on a Sunday at 10:30PM. The west end kids loved it, Fritz Helder & The Phantoms killed it.
Lioness NxNE After Jam at Aradia Fitness June 15, 2007
-Lioness first show EVER and the first time we used Aradia for an after party, the first time it was EVER used for after jams.
-You say Party, We Say Die! played and Mikey Apples DJd. It was rammed with all the right people till the sun came up.
Saturday April 5th, 2008
Rye Rye & Sega @ Blak for Squares Stay Home
-In Partnership With DMoney
-Her First Show in Toronto, Sega’s too. She was only 17 and stayed at my apartment with a chaperone.
Uffie & Aoki Jan 13 @ Tattoo Rock Parlour (2008)
-Uffie canceled so MSTRKRFT stepped in.
-room was rammed. We promoted the whole thing on one Facebook invite, just me and Gay Rob, packed the house to the tits. It was the first time they’d ever seen a 2-1 Girl to guy ratio.
-Second Get Er Done Tour, all-female DJ tour
-We did two in 2008 and we’re doing the third fall of 2010 with a new all-broad lineup
-DJs: Violca (Mansion), Barbi (INTELLEGENIX), Bitchin’ (Mama Miche + Kenzie Clarke), Betti Forde (Stinkmitt), Shotee, Wax Romeo (Smalltown DJs), Jordan Dare (Turno/NEON). DJ Sprout, Ginger
-Dates: From October31-Nov 15 2008: Toronto, Kingston, Montreal, Edmonton, Banff, Nelson, Golden, Whistler, Vancouver, Victoria
Some of th ebest times i’ve had doing the worst things to my body with the best people you’ll ever know throwing down one hot jam after another (we even set a club on fire by accident in Vancouver)
Gossip after Party with JD Samson @ The Social (with Matt Sims) 2009
–it wasn’t super full but it was the best time this year. Beth Ditto shouted us out from the stage but people in toronto, althoguh cool for a brief few years, have returned to lame and it was mostly attended by the few who know she’s a big fucking deal to the rest of the world.
-she came, she danced. JD and i got super old people wasted and acted kinda like cougars. It was old times fun.