I expected a lot of different results when I started boot camp. More energy, better mood, the ability to round-house kick my way out of tricky situations. And while attending boot camp has a whole lot of bonuses (not only do my roommates and I feel great, but we’re all so busy, it’s nice to take time to run around the elementary school track near our apartment, or amble slowly home after our twice-weekly hour of fitness), one unexpected benefit that I never saw coming is this: my skin has never looked better. Usually March is the month of extreme dryness, unfortunate breakouts, and general clammy paleness. But this spring, my skin is clearer than ever, and dryness has been kept at bay. I haven’t changed my Make Up Forever HD Foundation + Kiehl’s Tinted Moisturizer daily combo, and I’m certainly not eating or sleeping any better, or cutting out booze and coffee, so it must the working out! HA! Talk about putting your best fitness face forward.
