Age: 21
Hometown: North Vancouver
What do you do? Work at a law firm as an office manager
What do you love most about where you live? That you can surf and go snowboarding in the same day!
Your best friend is coming in to town for one day:
Where do you take them shopping? Robson Street
Where would you spend a sunny Saturday? At Kits Beach or Spanish Banks soaking up the sun
Where do you go to eat dinner? The Rugby Beach Club
What’s the bar route? Granville Street, one of the main bar scenes in downtown Vancouver
Can you share with us a great hometown memory? The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, the streets of downtown Vancouver packed with screaming fans. Everyone was thrilled to be there and all so nice! It was a great 2 weeks of games with an even better celebration!
What one stereotype about your hometown just isn’t true? That it rains all the time. We get rain, but not as much as people think.
How are you celebrating Canada Day? I’ll probably check out some of the concerts going on at Ambleside beach, or head over to Kits beach and enjoy the sunshine, and see where the night takes me!