What is ‘That Clean Life’?
A web platform that makes eating healthy simple and fun! That Clean Life allows you to discover delicious healthy recipes, plan your meals, automate your grocery list and stay motivated with monthly clean eating challenges.

Co-founders Abigail Keeso & Christopher Hopkins
What prompted you to start That Clean Life?
That Clean Life was inspired by my own personal journey to health. I struggled a lot with body image, which led me to a really dark place of dieting, depriving, starving and self-hate. I was miserable on the inside and out.
Then I hit rock bottom. This is when I realized life was too short to be in a constant battle with my own body. I discovered the concept of clean eating, which really made a lot of sense to me. When I started to eat clean, the weight started to fall off my body effortlessly, which I thought was what I always wanted. But then other things started to change in my life. I was happier, slept better, was more focused, creative and inspired. I started to become a better person to myself and everyone around me.
Eating healthy is about so much more than looking good in your skinny jeans. What you put in your body impacts every aspect of your life. But so many of us get stuck on this merry-go-round of unhealthy habits, and it is really hard to hop off. My fiance and co-founder, Christopher Hopkins, is a software developer. Together we knew we could build something that would demystify healthy eating and instead make it simple and fun. We launched That Clean Life on January 1 of this year and have already helped hundreds of people to eat clean and feel awesome.
Why is meal planning so hard for so many people?
Because it takes a lot of work! Before That Clean Life, meal planning meant sitting down, going through recipes, making a schedule and then writing out a grocery list.
We’ve streamlined this entire process by giving you a ton of delicious healthy recipes, a super easy meal planning tool and a grocery list that is automatically generated based on what you add to your meal planner.
What did you do before you launched That Clean Life?
Before That Clean Life, I was working full-time as a pediatric Registered Nurse in Toronto. I’m still working as a nurse, but on a casual basis.
Who currently uses the app?
Our members range in age from 25 to 65. The large majority are female and are often cooking for one other person. We also have a lot of new moms and young families using the platform. But the one thing all our members have in common is that they are wanting to look and feel their best.
What are your favourite superfoods?
- Hemp Seeds (I put these on everything as they have lots of protein)
- Eggs (Another great source of protein and easy to cook up in a pinch)
- Ground Flax Seed (Great for omega-3’s, fibre and thickening up smoothies!)
- Dijon Mustard (Best condiment of life)
- Coconut Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil (hello healthy fats!)
- Almond Butter (I could live off this stuff. Great as a dip with banana or apple or even in smoothies.)
What’s your general approach/motto for a healthy life?
Eat clean. Power your mind, body and soul with naturally occurring ingredients that make you feel beautiful inside and out. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, nuts, spices, grass fed meats and wild fish. Cook with these ingredients in ways that are mind-blowingly delicious. Know your food and where it comes from. Use organic and locally grown foods wherever possible. Avoid anything processed. Be mindful of what you are putting in your body but don’t obsess. Indulge in moderation. Always listen carefully to what your body needs to function at it’s best. It will tell you.
Anything else you’d like to share?
Remember that eating healthy doesn’t mean that you can never eat pizza and ice cream again. It just means you find a way to balance the good with the not-so-good so that you can look and feel your best.
My best advice to those looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle is to make eating healthy a habit. Start with a really small healthy habit like eating one piece of fruit per day or cooking a clean breakfast everyday. Once you have that habit down pat, build on it. Just keep building! If you fall off the wagon, brush it off and get back on. Developing new habits take time so just stick with it.
Stay tuned for some great recipes from That Clean Life.
Follow That Clean Life
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