The Dolly Parton look-a-likes were out in full force last week for Steers and Queers: Night of 1,000 Dollys, directly off our Pride must-do list. This marked the second annual Night of 1,000 Dollys. A pride event with a country theme, the long-running cult gay country and western party Steers and Queers put on an entertaining show with its fair share of Queens and Kings. There was even a Dolly Parton costume contest.
The Gladstone was, as always, a beautiful venue and the night was a great time. I even saw a couple of people break into a line-dance. The real show came from the two hosts, who talked to Dolly on the phone and even officially chanted her into being a homosexual. All of this was of course under the Church of Dolly. “Can I get an Amen? Can I get a Gaymen?!”
~ Molly Grove, @MollyAlice99. Photos by DEEP V