Smart Things, Quirky Loveables and Much Loved Memories

Sam Banack

1. Button purse

The purse actually came from winners… its’ one of those “deceptively big for a small bag” purses… which is perfect, because I drag so much shit around with me all the time. The buttons have been collected over time, mostly from One Inch Punch shows. But i have reached the limit for this bag… if I add one, I have to take one away… otherwise, it ends up looking cheesy, instead of cute. 

2. Honey Nut Shampoo

I love this stuff… makes my hair smell so goooood…. and its so cheap… thank you Shoppers house brand! 

3. Trivial Pursuit

I cannot get enough of this game. Even if you are losing, the random stuff you can learn is mind boggling. In the summer, I organize games on the patio out back at the Cadillac Lounge. It’s the perfect compliment to warm nights and pitchers of beer and also fun for car rides and first dates. 

4. Poker Chips

I was a little girl, when my Nana passed away. I went with my dad to clean out her apartment and he let me pick one thing to keep…I chose the poker chips.

My nana was the best. She always had M&Ms in her purse. And she would take me to the movies my parents wouldn’t let me see. She loved the track and the casino… and I think she would be proud that I used her chips to win all my beer money in university. 

5. Grandaddy and ME

Another grandparent memory… I have been so lucky to know my grandparents. And be really close with them. This is my favourite picture of me and my Papa. He taught me everything I know about storytelling, joke telling and… ahem… bending the truth. The man had me sneaking into the Ex before my tenth birthday. He was the most fun-loving guy, and when he passed away last year I spoke at his funeral, in front of 500 people. I was so proud to know that so many people loved this bullshitter as much as i did. 

6. Beringer Wine

This is the first wine I have ever found that I love, and that I can afford. Usually the only wines I like drinking are the ones my parents select in restaurants. But this bottle is under $20, and available at any LCBO. It’s a great, Cabernet Sauvignon. A little fruity, really rich. Yummmmm… I trry to keep consumption down to one bottle per week. 

7. Bette Midler Album

This is three of my favourite things rolled into one.

The fabulousness of Bette astounds me… I can’t, I’m verklempt… Second, photos… I have so many…. so so so many. I only gave into the digital camera ‘craze’ 3 months ago. What can I say, I like having something in my hands, not just on my computer…. and well, the truth is, I ended up giving this to my sister for her birthday. And giving gifts is definitely one of my favourite things. The record/photo album came from Red Pegasus on College. only $30 

8. Blanket

I got it at the One of a Kind show last year.  It is made out of sweatshirt material, and its cozy, and the best napping blanket ever. 

9. Mo851 Purse

I got this as a birthday present. It’s the greatest bag ever… The leather… it’s like buttah! Yet another one of those fantastic ‘mary poppins’ bags as it doesn’t look so huge, but it can fit enough clothes for a weekend away.  m0851 is the new name for Rugby North America. They have a store across the street from the Windsor Arms, at Bay and Bloor.  

10. Books

My books are home to me. I love to underline passages and always read with a pen in hand to take notes… so my library is like one huge, multi-volume journal. I have lived in 10 places since I turned 13, and the first thing I unpack is my books. Right now they are in disarray, but they have, in the past, been arranged by title, author, genre and even, once, one REALLY boring weekend, by personal preference…. I can get pretty OCD with my books. Its like John Cusack and his records in HIGH FIDELITY…. mmmm …John Cusack… another favourite thing. 

11. Green painting

A gift from my mother when I graduated University. My aunt, who is a professional photographer took this photo, it’s an underwater polaroid. She has been doing weird things with polaroids forever ( has gotten pretty successful with it. I love it because it’s underwater, looking up, but not like drowning but like how a kid would look at it. A completely new perspective on the world. 

12. Nunca Amaron

This is the first piece of ‘grown-up art’ I ever bought. I purchased it at a charity auction and had it framed. I love the colour and passion in the embrace. Then someone came over and told me that it meant “For Those who Never Loved”… whoops… I guess I should maybe check the title next time before buying. I still love it though… It’s not “Those who will never ever under any circumstances be lovable”… so I choose not to think of it as a bad omen.