Describe your personal style using three adjectives:
Begged, borrowed, stolen.

What trends do you expect we’ll be seeing a lot of at LGFW?
I don’t expect trends here–at least, not ones I haven’t seen before. So far, the international fashion weeks have brought us: a return to prep, new depths in textures (as opposed to new shapes), a wash of greys, nudes, and rosy beiges, even more sheerness, and some amazing digital prints… Also, clogs. I think clogs will catch on here. It’ll be interesting to see how local designers interpret the larger mood: softer, younger, more playful and almost romantic after all that hardcore. Well-worn, well-travelled fashion is in; lots of gypsy or nomadic looks. Toronto designers like to cull multi-culti influences as it is, so I think that movement could really vibe here. Also, sustainable clothing is getting bigger. That’s nice.

If you were an Olympus-dwelling fashion god, what trend would you bring back?
Tying flannel shirts or sweaters around your waist. I bet that’s back already, though. Let me call Urban Outfitters and confirm.

What’s your favorite style decade?
Dead heat: early 60s and early 90s.

Why is Toronto a great city for fashion?
Its denizens are vain, and fancy themselves creative. There’s tons of young, hot passion here.

Why is Toronto not a great city for fashion?
It’s too conservative, stifling, and small.

Toronto Fashion Week is no longer taking place in Nathan Phillips Square, but on the future site of a condo development in Liberty Village. Thoughts?
Thoughts about condo development in Liberty Village? Um, it’s about time! Thoughts about King & Shaw location? Brilliant. Starbucks on one corner, my friend’s place on the other, Oddfellows up the road. Cheap cab home.

What’s one piece of your wardrobe you absolutely can’t live without?
A beat-up leather jacket.

Tell us about your favorite street in the world to go shopping on.
When I travel I’m too poor to shop. So it’s good old Queen. From east to west: Black Market, Urban Outfitters sale rack (not even a guilty pleasure), Delphic, Carte Blanche, Jonathan & Olivia (well, that’s Ossington, but whatever), Chasse Gardee, 69 Vintage, Drake General, the Public Butter, my little Sally Ann in Parkdale.

If you could go for a cocktail with your style icon, who would it be, what would you drink, and what would you (hope to) talk about?
I’d like to have gin with James Dean, but I can’t imagine we’d do that much talking.

Describe your perfect go-to outfit for a night out:
Whatever I wore in the daytime, minus a layer, plus heels.

Fill in the blank: _____________ is the new black.

You are most happy when you are wearing….
My boyfriend’s t-shirts.

If your style was a song – what would it be?
Ha, I guess “Short Skirt/Long Jacket” by Cake. But this season I think I’ll reverse it. Long dresses, cropped bikers.

If you could purchase an extravagant item in the quadruple digits – what would you buy?
A vintage Alaia. Failing that, almost any Lanvin dress would do.

Photo credit: Peter Stigter photography.