Some months, I love my period. She’s beautiful, powerful, and her arrival is like a salute from my inner Athena. Other months, my period comes in like an unexpected storm; I curse her, dislike her and we exchange harsh words. No matter which way she decides to show up, I always greet her with an o.b.

Here are six reasons why o.b. does it for me:

  1. o.b. has less environmental impact than tampons with applicator.
  2.  I find them super easy to insert & I can get them right where they need to be.
  3. They’re cheaper than most brands, as they require less packaging.
  4. They fit in the smallest of spaces, like my back pocket for discrete trips to the WC during a dinner date.
  5. They work! And they work really well when I’m doing things like cycling, crazy yoga poses or running to catch a bus.
  6. There’s a size that’s perfect for every level of flow. Personally, I like the multi-packs with a little of everything.While just about every other feminine hygiene product was invented by a man, o.b. was invented by German gynaecologist Dr. Judith Esser, who was determined to create a smarter tampon. She called her invention “ohne binde” which in German means, without napkins.

If you’re feeling a bit apprehensive regarding how to insert, the o.b. site breaks down the steps clearly.Hope you enjoyed your tampon tutorial. Since women have their periods 25% of the time (YES, 1/4 of our lives!), we thought we’d give away a ton of o.b. boxes, because YOU WILL MOST CERTAINLY USE!

Enter our That Time of The Month Contest

Enter to win a Tweet, “Hi @shedoesthecity, please stock my bathroom with o.b. tampons. Thx, from me & my period.” #obformyP

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