Toronto the Good has been going through a serious teen-rebel phase lately, making international headlines with our idiot mayor’s antics, opening bacon-only restaurants in the face of the health foodie trend, and, now, making brand-name Toronto condoms so you can wear your city pride on your… well.

The condoms will be free, and distributed around Toronto in clubs, gyms, hotels, bars and walk-in clinics all over the city but especially in the Church and Wellesley Village.

When #condomTO (real name) drops its design drawers on June 4th just in time for World Pride month, the Big Smoke will join LA and New York as the only cities in the world with rubbers for a mascot. —— but in all seriousness, anything that helps people have safer sex is okay with us. So, will you be wrapping your CN Tower in a Toronto-branded rubber insurance policy? Tell us in this helpful poll (lol, “pole”):

Will you be using #CondomTO? free polls