Tasseomancy is a Canadian indie folk band from Toronto. Originally formed in Halifax, Nova Scotia, these twin sisters, Sari and Romy Lightman, have sparked buzz across the country. Their latest album Palm Wine Revisited was released earlier this month on June 2 and is available on iTunes and SoundCloud.

Tasseomancy is on this year’s NXNE roster, playing June 17th @ Mod Club. They’ll also be performing on June 18th in Montreal @ Bar Le “Ritz” P.D.B.

We got a chance to speak with Tasseomancy about some of their favourite places in Toronto and find out some little-known-facts about their daily lives.

What are your favourite places in Toronto?

The Double-Double Land in Kensington Market, Gibraltar Point on the Toronto Island, and the Sunny-Side Pavilion. I think that the city really blew it with our waterfront, what with all these condos cock-blocking the way to the water. Don’t get me wrong, I think that living stacked above one another up high makes a lot of spacial sense in a larger urban context; however, it would have been nice that instead of high-rises we had a boardwalk so the everyone could get a deep, cool breeze.

What aisle do you spend the most time in at the grocery store?

Depends on my mood and the time of year but as of late, there has been a lot of time spent close to the sauces.

Which virtue do you try to cultivate within yourself?

As far as virtue is concerned, I think my sister and I both try to practice patience and humility, which, in my humble opinion, are essential traits for being a real-deal artist and/or a cool member of our species.

The receipts in your wallet would indicate what?

That I get around.

What did you think you were going to be when you were 8 years old?

A non-smoker and a saviour of the whales.

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be?

The Northern Territories, or the Isles of Greece (just like Leonard Cohen did when he was a poet), or Mexico.

What makes you happy?

Hanging out all night in the park after-dark like a teenager, eating raw oysters, sweating (from sex, saunas and/or physical activity), watching inanimate objects sway in the wind.

What makes you cringe?

Unnecessarily loud talkers and those who speak to their domestic animals as if they are naughty children. People who throw on flip-flops and short-shorts the very first day of spring (it’s not a very graceful transition), clichés about ‘womanhood’ and gender in general, apathy, overhearing someone treating servers like shit/slaves at a restaurant.

What quality do you loathe most in others?

Though loathe is a strong word, I have a hard time hanging out with a closed mind or someone who is completely disconnected from themselves and the natural world.

What, in your opinion, is overrated?

Youth, post-secondary education, success, android technology, cocaine.

What is the one thing you wish you could change about yourself? Why?

I wish I were able to get more into a daily routine so that life would feel much less like the ancient chaos of Tiamat.

What frustrates you the most?

When art is seen as frivolous until it’s famous.