1. What does a typical Thursday look like for you, starting from when you wake up – to heading to bed?

The reality is there are no ‘typical Thursdays’ at ET Canada – we’re always on the go and my schedule is constantly changing. On a good day – Thursday consists of jumping into H & M (not the retail store, unfortunately but Hair & Make-Up) and getting to chat with some of the world’s most interesting people.

2. What was your first job out of school?

I was the Summer Events Reporter for a radio station in my hometown of Owen Sound. It was the BEST job as I was able to drive out to the beach, talk on the radio a bit and give things away.

3. What are the 3 skills you require most to do your job well?

1) Organization – because things get crazy at times!
2) The ability to tell a good story.
3) And multi-tasking is key as there’s a lot of pressure to meet deadlines.

4. What do you love most about your career?

The adventure. I have traveled to so many places around the world, met some amazing people and done some really wild things. When it comes to being in studio it’s always an adventure – our crew is so outrageously funny and I laugh every day!

5. If a woman wanted to get into this business, what are your recommendations of how they should start?

First things first – go to College and get hands-on experience. Next, early on in your career, walk in as many shoes as you can. Learn to roll the teleprompter, write, be a production assistant, learn to shoot with the cameras. Take in as much as you can. That way you can appreciate the job everyone has around you. Next…use Crest White Strips. A bright smile is key. Jokes.

6. If you could try a different career on for a year, what would it be?

Kelly Ripa’s job! My other choice away from TV would be a quality control officer at a spa. I’d be forced to try out all of the spa services once a day! My other choice…truth is I have a lot of things want to do.