I’m gonna put it out there: when it comes to love and friendship, I’m a huge suck. The biggest, probably. I spend a lot of time thinking about the relationships in my life, and often find myself ugly crying into a couch cushion because I feel so appreciative of the love, kindness and inspiration I receive daily from my friends and family. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you).

Cheerio’s newest campaign, “the CheeriosEffect” tugs on my heartstrings in all the right ways as it stresses the importance of taking time to create authentic real-time connections with people. But, you may be wondering what cereal has to do with all of this? It’ll tell you!

The Cheerios Effect, nicknamed after the cereal, is the tendency for small floating objects to attract one another, and eventually connect. No lies, this is a scientific principle that works thanks to surface tension and buoyancy, an upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object. (Feel free to drop that little fun fact at your next dinner party.)

It is this premise that the sweet campaign is based on, with a series of advertisements showing real people telling their stories of love and connection. These two dads in particular stole my heart:

See the rest of the touching videos here.

Cheerios is encouraging Canadians to share their personal connection stories at CheeriosEffect.ca, where every story will receive a personalized video! I made one too, watch it HERE!

“10 years ago, on a first date, a boy asked me if he could kiss me. I asked him to take off his sweater vest, and dance for me to an MJ song of his choosing. I got my dance, and he got his kiss. The rest is history.”

Being a newlywed (just over 2 months!!) I’m still basking in all the post-wedding loveliness, so my story is about connecting to my new hubby.

It’s also a welcome reminder that no matter how busy or chaotic life gets, we need to prioritize each other, and make time for date nights, hand holding and cereal eating. (Side note: combine Cheerios, coconut ice-cream and fresh strawberries to create the BEST and EASIEST dessert ever).


Create your own “connection story” video on CheeriosEffect.ca and tweet the link to @shedoesthecity using hash #CheeriosEffect. Our favourite story will receive an abundant supply (5 boxes!!) of Cheerios and a $100 Loblaw gift card.

We look forward to your stories,

