Juicing has had a huge resurgence, especially in the last couple of years.  I personally am a huge fan and supporter of the concept (so are your cells), but juicing may not be for everyone (usually taste and texture are the things that turn people off). Every week, I’m approached with questions about combinations, how-to’s and people asking, “Why would I juice?”  This week I would like to share a few great points, benefits and juicing blends for everyday nutrition.  For more detailed info please email me!

  1. Juicing is an extremely effective way to cut down on cravings for unhealthy and unnecessary foods. 
  2. This is the easiest form of food to digest: contains vitamins, alkaline minerals, and enzymes in liquid form and is IMMEDIATELY assimilated by our bodies. 
  3. Fruit juices are more cleansing than vegetable juices. 
  4. Great for degenerative diseases; when an organ is overworked and is enzyme deficient, it can swell.
  5. Not just for adults! Juicing is great for children; instant energy, strengthened immune system and it helps to prevent unhealthy cravings and habits. 
  6. Always juice 30-60 minutes before meals.

Some great options to whip up: (choose four or less per juice) 

  • LIVER: carrot, lettuce, tomato, spinach, watercress, grapefruit, parsley, endive and dandelion. 
  • CIRCULATION: strawberry, cucumber, ginger, red cabbage, radishes, beets, red pepper. 
  • THYROID/ADRENALS: kale, apple, ginger, parsley, turnips, strawberry, garlic. 
  • STOMACH: parsley, red cabbage, grapefruit, pear, kiwi, radish.
  • Hope this helps and I’m here for more juicing and nutrition tips! Happy Juicing xo