A few months ago, I started following an intriguing Twitter handle: @everydaysexism. The Everyday Sexism project was created to catalogue the day-to-day discrimination experienced by women. From normalized to outrageous, the small acts that add up to feeling debased in the workplace, or dehumanized on the street, are sent in by women around the world and faithfully reported by Everyday Sexism. The site also has weekly columns in the Independent and Huffington Post. You can email stories in, upload them directly to the website, or tweet them @everydaysexism.

The Twitter account consists mostly of retweets. An alarming number of retweets. Some days, my entire feed will fill up with stories that range from discomfiting to disturbing. It’s the kind of Twitter takeover that usually makes you itch to unfollow, but in the case of @everydaysexism, that frustration is channeled towards the fact that THERE ARE STILL SO MANY PEOPLE OUT THERE TREATING WOMEN LIKE OBJECTS ALL THE TIME. Following @everydaysexism is a daily reminder that the fight for female equality is far from over, and also good motivation to speak out next time someone makes a seemingly innocuous, “funny” sexist remark.