I’m a major sucker for inspirational speeches. I listen to them regularly. They can make my morning commutes, laundry or grocery shopping all seem less dismal. Without fail, they help me keep it high-vibe, no matter what’s going on.

I appreciate speakers who share from a deep place and don’t steer away from topics like shame, insecurity, and getting through the hard times. When people share stories about their darker periods, and what got them through, it reminds me what we’re really capable of. Here are 5 speakers I can count on for a pick-me-up:

Mel Robbins: Mel Robbins is CNN’s most popular on-air commentator and an in-demand speaker with seriously sharp wit. Her TEDxTalk, “How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over,” about getting what you want and not succumbing to laziness, has 10 million+ views across the world. Her straightforward wisdom is astonishingly motivating. If you’ve been trying to work up momentum in any area of your life, Mel’s words will fire you right up.

Chimamanda Ngoza Adichi

On a TEDxTalk Stage, in a book or short story, or a Beyoncé song, Chimamanda’s voice is mic-droppingly compelling. Her work is about feminism, race, and gender identity, and it manages to make these themes totally accessible. If you haven’t delved into the wonder of Chimamanda, start with her TED talk, “The Danger of a Single Story.”

Marie Forleo: Marie is an internet-famous life coach whose Youtube channel, MarieTV, is all about “creating a business and a life you love.” She shares advice about mindfulness, creativity, and health and is a gifted speaker and interviewer – check out her vids with Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and Seth Godin, or watch her take the stage at Oprah’s Super Soul Sessions with her talk, “The Belief That Can Make You Unstoppable.

Elizabeth Gilbert: Everyone’s favourite writer-friend Liz is also a truly phenom speaker. It’s like she’s speaking directly into your soul. Dive into her podcast, Magic Lessons, for creative block-busting tips and ways to create in alignment with your truest self, or get warmed up with her TED Talk, “Your Elusive Creative Genius” or her Oprah’s Super Soul Sessions talk, “Don’t Chase Your Passion And Maybe You’ll Find It.”

JP Sears: If you happen to be woo-woo averse, you will almost DEFINITELY be put off by JP at first glance. But this emotional healing coach and intentional teacher has a lot of shining insight on spirituality and ego that he shares on his YouTube channel. You may be simultaneously confused and fascinated by his self-presentation, (he mixes a deadpan humour with real depth), but his message resonates. Hear him speak about humour and healing on Lewis’ Howes’ podcast.

Gretchen Ruben: The Happiness Project author and Happier podcast host has some thought-provoking philosophies on habits and happiness. In addition to writing and blogging, she’s been a speaker for some of the most influential corporate and academic audiences. The New York Times has described her as “the queen of the self-help memoir,” though she describes her books as “self-helpful, not self-help.” It’s all about actionable insight, here.