According to the Montreal Mirror Charlotte Cornfield is “the next it-girl of folk-rock.” Without sounding wretchedly corny, she really is all that, and a bag of sea salt and malt vinegar organic potato chips. So, that means she’s tasty to us.
Band Name Charlotte Cornfield
(w Ryan Granville-Martin on drums, Kathryn Palumbo on stand-up bass and John Spence on keys).
Describe your sound in five words.
Folk and Roll Art Autobiography
Describe for me the best show you’ve ever played.
In a beautiful Montreal venue called Casa Del Popolo. It was sold out, the energy was fantastic, and I was playing the drums. It was absolutely the most magical night of my life.
What’s the absolute best reaction you could get to your music?
People buying records.
If you could score a film, which film would you choose? (Or… make one up).
It would be about someone’s life in a city. The things they go through, the people they interact with. Their relationship with the city.
Which five cities would you include in a fantasy tour?
San Francisco, Dublin, Paris, Mexico City, Montreal.
Strawberry Fields or Penny Lane?
Strawberry Fields.
Where/what does your name come from?
(This question does not apply. Charlotte Cornfield is in fact her name [neat]).
How do you take your eggs?
What is your ideal rainy day activity?
Writing songs.
What is your favourite childhood television series?
Reading Rainbow.
What’s your best concert(-going) experience?
I saw Radiohead during their In Rainbows tour, and Grizzly Bear was opening. We’d lined up outside all day, and I was fifth row with my boyfriend at the time, there were 30 000 people there and just as Grizzly Bear finished, this giant rainbow appeared.
Where is your favourite place to sing?
On stage.
You have $1000 and ten minutes to spend it. What do you do?
Give it to Partners in Health
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~ By Annie Webber