Are you hitting MuchMusic headquarters this week to score a wristband to the MMVAs? This year’s awards show has a kickass lineup that includes performances by Avril Lavigne, Serena Ryder, Ed Shennan, and South Korean pop sensation Psy; it’s going to be a frenzy of excitement at Queen and John! But don’t worry, Coca-Cola will be on deck to help you get through the craziness!

Starting Wednesday, Coca-Cola will be bringing MMVA fans random acts of happiness. Seriously fun things will be happening! We really want to tell you but we’re going to keep quiet so you get a wicked surprise. If you are in the lineup this week, day or night, keep a look out because no doubt you’ll smile!

Coca-Cola will also be doing lots of giveaways, so if you’re thirsty (which you will be!) look for their red and white street team. And if you’re worried your phone will die while you wait, don’t be!  Stop by the Coca-Cola Pedal for Power bike station and you can instantly fuel your smart phone! Oh, and be sure to say hi to our girl Nilou who wil be reporting all the random acts of happiness and interviewing MMVA fans on the street over the next few days.

CONTEST! Share Happiness and you could win passes to the MMVAS!

For a chance to win two passes to the MMVAs, share your random act of happiness on Twitter by telling @shedoesthecity what you did to make someone happy with #givealittlebit.

Here are some examples:

Hi @shedoesthecity, I gave up my seat on the streetcar! #givealittlebit

I saved a spot in a line for a stranger! @shedoesthecity #givealittlebit

I surprised my friends in line with cupcakes! @shedoesthecity #givealittlebit

I let my friend borrow my jacket cuz she was cold. @shedoesthecity #givealittlebit

Do something fun, make someone smile, and share it with us on Twitter for a chance to win passes to the MMVAs! Winners will be notified on Wednesday June 12!

See how happiness is spreading all over the place by watching this video now.