1. What does a typical Thursday look like for you, starting from when you wake up – to heading to bed?

Being self employed, I don’t have typical days. I kind of love that, although sometimes it’s not as productive as it should be. I always wake up to my boyfriend’s alarm at some ungodly hour… doze in and out of crazy dreams until he actually gets out of bed an hour later. He makes me a smoothie (good with the bad I guess!?), then I peel myself out of bed, matted hair, eyes still shut and back stiff as a board. He usually makes some kind of attempt at a witty comment about how pleasant I am in the morning….. anyways… Organic coffee. Non-organic cream. Brown sugar. Check my email/ facebook/ website/ etsy site. Computer usually sucks me in til 9:30, then I start my work day. Depending on the day, I’m usually researching new ways I can run, market, and advertise my business that won’t cost much money. I look up trends, colours & styles. Try to find new stores that I think will want to carry my work. Do applications for upcoming shows and events. Design/ draw/ write up new ideas for jewellery. Source new suppliers with interesting and unique beads and findings. Try to keep up with my bookkeeping and accounting. Snack a lot because I mostly work from home and the kitchen is distracting. Lately I’ve been working non stop on my new Ecstatic Eco-Collection that I’m launching at the Green Living Show Toronto this weekend. I made the entire booth out of second hand, vintage, borrowed and refreshed furniture and lighting. I’m pretty happy with how it looks and hopefully everyone else will too. I’m using recycled glass, vintage beads and ribbon. I’ve worked really hard at it, so I hope it shows.

To finish off every Thursday (when my back isn’t buggered up like it is right now), I take my favourite boxing class with Christina at Bloor Street Boxing. It makes me remember I have muscles in my ass and frustration to burn!  

2. What was your first job out of school?

When I first graduated, I was still living in Guelph and trying to save up for a 6 week trip to the UK. I worked 5 jobs somehow, although right now I don’t know where the hell I got the energy. Monday to Friday I worked 7am- 3 at a flower factory- which I thought would be all pretty, fun and smell nice and stuff… but no. It was standing on concrete for 8 hours in a refrigerator- freezing your ass off and picking rotten petals off of crates and crates of Valentine roses. I haven’t liked roses since. I still wonder about the women that worked there full time for years and wonder if they’re still there freezing they’re wet hands off. From that job, I bussed it to the University call centre where I called new students from 4-8pm to answer their questions about the Studio Art & Art History programs at Guelph.  Saturdays I would roll my granny cart down the hill and set up my jewellery at the local farmer’s market from 7am-noon. I cleaned a lady’s house and did her ironing (I think that was the last time I ironed), then I worked at a nice restaurant, ‘bus-girl-ing’ for this insanely neurotic, ego-maniac guy that I hated. He refused to allow me to be a server and I refused to work Valentine’s day- because my good friend had his first art opening. So I got fired. I figured 4 jobs was good enough anyways. It was the only job I ever got fired from. Was it ‘In Living Colour’ where that family had a dozen jobs at a time? I felt like them. I loved that show.  How on earth did I get up so early 6 days a week. I am definitely not a morning person. 

3. What are the 3 skills you require most to do your job well?

Creativity & flexibility: Always looking ahead and making jewellery that will stand out. Being true to my own style while keeping in mind that not everyone has my taste! I guess under creativity I would add patience and good hand eye coordination since right now I make everything myself (other than much appreciated help from my friends). Persistence: is key because you can’t take ‘no’s’ personally. You have to keep trying and keep making yourself stand out from other people in your field because as cliché as it sounds, only the strong survive. Drive & Determination: get you to the next level. You can’t be afraid of taking risks to get you where you want to go. It’s something that I’m really trying to work on. 

4. What do you love most about your career?

I love that it’s never monotonous, it’s challenging and creative. I get to meet great people and other artists. I get to sing loudly at my desk and not worry about anyone listening. Sometimes I can work outside and enjoy not being cramped in an office. I can’t think of a less cheesy way to say it, but I love when people really love my work. When they tell me how many compliments they’ve got after they’ve worn my bracelets. I enjoy making people feel happy. Even if it’s by doing something silly and superficial like accessorizing them.  I’m anxious to see where my career will be going this year. Starting my new Eco Collection is exciting and scary all at the same time. I love those feelings though. The environment has always been something that I’ve been passionate about, so I hope formally tying eco-friendliness into my business leads me in the direction I’m meant to go in.  

5. Do you have any warnings?

Don’t start your own business unless you are passionate, self motivated, competitive and have good time management. Never underestimate having good people skills. Don’t start a jewellery business just because you think it will be fun. It will be fun, but it will also be hard work, with a lot of dedication and long hours for not a lot of money. Don’t do something unless you are passionate about it- I hope that doesn’t sound too “self-help-book-y”. 

6. If you could try a different career on for a year, what would it be?

Oh, what shall I choose!? I’ve always wanted to be a nutritionist. Or an event planner. Or a talk show host. A writer, personal shopper, hair stylist, stylist, house-flipper, carpenter, interior decorator (couldn’t do design- too much autocad). Assistant to David Suzuki. Eco- business consultant. Boutique owner. Professional mixed tape maker. Hopefully… eventually, a Philanthropist. I’m slightly indecisive.