When 17 different mascaras are all branded as “long-lasting”, how do you know which one to pick?

Figuring out a beauty regime that works can be a frustrating, expensive, and time-consuming process. Woman, you can’t win at this game alone.

The writers and editors over at The Kit have spent the last year sifting through approximately 13,000 beauty products to find the top 26 that receive their #oneminutemiracle stamp of approval. “We’re spotlighting beauty products that punch above their weight and work really quickly”, says Editor-in-Chief Christine Loureiro.

Her team of dedicated, savvy and discriminating beauty experts have done the hard work. “It’s a huge undertaking, but it means that when something blows us away, it really blows us away.”

They asked the crucial questions to narrow the field: Does it work quickly? Does it do what it says it will do? Will it save me time? The winning products were then grouped into 3 categories: game-changers, instant impact and multi-tasking.

Beauty shouldn’t be complicated. Find out who made the cut here.