Why we like: The shoes make the man. They make the woman too, but we’re generally more conscious of fashionable footwear. It is so easy to be lead astray by comfort, misguided by trends or carried off by a great sale. The character that is conveyed by one’s shoes can overwrite a fabulous wardrobe and even a great personality. On the other hand, an awesome pair of kicks can excuse facial flaws, poor style and even an unpleasant personality. With stores like Goodfoot, Brown’s and C Squared in the area, there should be no excuses for footsy failure. A certain gingy I know has even lucked out with an entire vintage boot collection from an undisclosed Value Village location. So the verdict’s in…shoes rock and definitely make an individual “an individual.” That’s why Popstar Feets is my feature of the week. 

What you’ll find there: Amy’s flats (fit for Rehab), Western goldies a la Cansei Ser Sexy, the Puma duo aka. Death from Above 1979 and many more. 

Where in the world: Footwear captured all over the U.K.

In a nutshell: A hipster haven of footwear as worn by our favorite celebrities, bands, djs and musicians. Plus, read “Vice don’t like” descriptions regarding each pic. Feet are gross – thank God for shoes!
