Admittedly, there was a time in my life when pub-crawling was the only sport I had time for. As a second-year university student simultaneously living mere blocks from campus and the main bar scene, frosh committee-organized drinking events were the most effective places to meet new people with whom common interests were likely shared – namely, being hammed and collecting tacky event t-shirts.

In adulthood, apart from work or graduate school, there are not many locales (cubicles and seminar classes excluded) where like-minded individuals can share a bite, a drink and a chat. Luckily, I now live in a city where foodie-ness is legitimately next to godliness – and where going on a DishCrawl, for instance, is a viable and exciting social activity.

Listed alongside food-rich New York City and San Francisco (and San Jose?), Montreal is the only Canadian city to appear on this exceptional new website. As ‘well-adjusted’ adults, we are no longer seeking out Friday night drinking buddies. No, we are now looking for a food community – or, so proposes DishCrawl.

Answer a few simple online questions and build a profile. From there, the website will ask you what type of main dishes you are in the mood to eat. Upon making a selection, upwards of five dishes at five different Montreal restaurants will be suggested for your first DishCrawl adventure.

Picky eater? Not to worry. DishCrawl caters to all, with (ridiculously) specific food selections available, to ensure your food-romp around the city is as pleasant as possible. Do you prefer your fish ‘acidic’ or ‘comforting’? Seriously.

Bring a group of friends, bring a date, bring your mom. Or, attend a monthly DishCrawl event and meet new Montrealers who are eager to join you for good food and good conversation (t-shirt not included).

Check out the DishCrawl blog for up-coming events:

~ Tyler Yank