Every year, AWOL Gallery presents The Square Foot Show at their gallery on Ossington and also at Lower Ossington Theatre. The show is an annual group exhibition that brings together a variety of artists, all selling their work at $225 per piece. The show is legendary-so good it’s lined up opening night-and they’re offering you a chance to be the first one to get a crack at the amazing work on sale. On Friday, August 20th, they’ll be hosting a preview gala, with benefits going to The Daily Bread Food Bank, Arts for Children and Youth, and local charities. Like everything Square Foot, it’s high art at a low price: tickets for the gala are only $20. If you dream of lining your walls with inspiring work, but struggle with the usual price tag, The Square Foot Show is the perfect place to start!

At Lower Ossington Theatre, 2nd Floor (100A Ossington Ave.) and AWOL Gallery, 76 Ossington Ave.
Preview gala: August 20th, 7 pm. $20. For tickets: http://www.awolgallery.com/square_foot/2010/2010_sq_gala.html
Reception: August 21st, 7 pm. Free.
Gallery Hours: August 21st-Sept. 5th, Thurs-Sat 12-8 pm, Sun 12-5 pm.