Three of our favourite Montreal venues join forces for five days of music at this year’s Under the Snow winter festival. Casa del popolo, La Sala Rossa and Le Divan Orange prep their stages for numerous exciting acts, including post-rock group My Dad vs. Yours, who recently released their new album ‘Little Symphonies’, and Siskiyou, a collaboration between Great Lake Swimmers’ members Erik Arnesen and Colin Huebert. Electro, dream pop, orchestral rock and international beats represent a mere handful of the musical genres promised at this year’s event.
Additionally, on Saturday March 12 and Sunday March 13, the basement of St-Denis Church (5075 rue Rivard) will host Under the Snow’s highly anticipated underground indie record and arts fair. Labels, musicians, editors, artists and artisans will be present, bringing with them comic books, silk-screen art, crafts, fanzines, books, records, fashion and food. And admission to the fair is completely free!
Check out the full list of shows and ticket information!.
~ Tyler Yank