Top Chef – If you’re a culinary groupie too sophisticated for Gordon Ramsey’s foul language than you’re probably already a fan of the reality cooking competition. And when you’re a devotee of reality TV, nothing is better than an All Stars season. Tom and Padma are back in New York for season eight of the show and they’ve invited some old friends! Were you charmed by Fabio? Entertained by the comedy duo of Dale and Casey (best line of last week: “I’m a virgin with the Ritz cracker hand job”)? Or are you just tuning for virtual visual gluttony? Top Chef All Stars promises to be deliciousness. Wednesday nights.

Viral Vid Fun – Check out these Twitter life lessons from Kanye West and granny!

Black Swan – If you haven’t already seen Darren Aronofsky’s beautiful thriller, do so. Natalie Portman’s Nina is a technically perfect but repressed ballerina for whom things begin to unravel when she is cast as the Swan Queen in a new production of Swan Lake. The film is seriously beautiful, though dark, and it taught me the following things: 1. Tattooed wings on an 85lb girl are seriously hot. 2. If you don’t have the privacy to rub one out, things might get tense. 3. Aronofsky is a serious contender for the Best Director Oscar.

Alors on Danse – If you need a pause from the drummer boys, four French hens and other Christmas tunage, check out this awesome antithesis. While the distinction of being number one in Europe isn’t always a good thing, this hip hop/ electric tune is out of Brussels by the artist Stromae and is toe tapping cool. And in French. I loves me my hip hop with a side of French.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Christmas Special – ‘Always Sunny always yields amazing giggles.Green Man and Kitten’s Mittens ? Come on!!! If you haven’t watched the Christmas Carnage of their extended holiday special, A Very Sunny Christmas , look into it! It’s up there with Peanuts in terms of Holiday Classics.

~ Zoe Shapiro