We <3 Pixar – Ahhhh…the viral vid cuteness! Just watch this fan video for heart warming and spine tingling. The xx intro always gives me goosebumps anyway but obviously the track was destined to score balloon rising and turtle surfing for optimal goosebumpiness.
Teen Mom – Sometimes you get caught up in your problems. Like whether your career is on track. And if the guy you wish was calling is calling. And whether you can find the cash to plan a road trip or sunshine getaway while it’s so gloomy outside. For each frustration to seem like a gift from babyjeebusbuddahkrishna hisself, just tune in to the new season of Teen Mom, premiering on Tuesday night. Ok, their problems sometimes masquerade as cute squishy babies but I am GRATEFUL that that the issues of my teens and early twenties were more about what to wear on Saturday night than wiping someone else’s ass. Way to give me some perspective MTV. If you missed the new Moms, catch up on www.mtv.ca
JessieJ; Learn her name – This Brit export has been tapped for superstardom in 2011, so says radio experts, critics and even our favourtite Mouseketeer JustinT. Check out her brand new single Do It Like a Dude She’s flirty like Katie and fierce like Nicki. And that growing rarity in the pop world; she can really sing (think a Beyonce/Christina white girl cool). Proof you ask for? Here’s one of the many videos she made for her fans
Off the Map premieres – If you love the soap doctor drama of Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, check out producer Shonda Rhimes’ new show premiering Wednesday night at 10pm. Friday Night Lights cutie Zach Gilford and mini Meryl Streep star.
Natalie Portman be everywhere. And we like it – We were always envious of the Harvard educated, multi talented Portman but she’s never been as amazingly everywhere as she is right now. We don’t need to say anything else about her amazing Black Swan performance (except have you seen the gorgeous European posters) . Then there was the news that she’s pregnant by a beautiful straight ballet dancer. Now, trailers are out for all three, THREE of her upcoming films proving that drama girl also gots comedy chops. Check them out here, here, and here. FYI, the first two are redband and NSFW. Oh, and proving the writers also checked out the cute viral vid, listen for the Pixar reference.