New clothing brand Shelfies is changing the photo-realistic-apparel-prints game. They emerged from the darkness in early 2013, labeling themselves as a new Toronto-based clothing line of outrageous sweaters. They use cutting edge printing processes that will make your look scream from across the streets. What started with just a few bold sweater prints has grown to include tons of styles and a strong social media following both on Facebook and Twitter.

As soon as I laid eyes on them I fell in love love love with Shelfies prints. So what are you into? CandyFoodNatureTechnologyA man’s washboard absPOPE SLOTH?! Shelfies design creativity seems limitless, and I love peeping their latest ideas. What on Earth could they come up with next?! Now you can order a sweater covered in photos of your own (or someone elses) FACE. So meta.

Shelfies even has a just-released limited edition Spring Breakers sweater to celebrate Selena Gomez turning 21. It’s only around for a short time so don’t sleep on it!

Recently I was thrilled to use the Pills and Watermelon sweaters for a fun photo shoot with model Jadine. We sleuthed through east end alleyways, stopped and smelled the roses, jumped on beds, and generally rocked the fuck out in these two amazing prints.

Check out some of the highlights from our photo shoot below! Long live Shelfies.